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English German Glossaries

This is a compilation of German to English and English to German glossaries that we have found. You are welcome to send us any additions or suggestions to info@lingotip.com

English to German

Computers – Dozens of computer terms translated from English into German.

Law - This PDF provides a list of 472 legal terms translated from English into German.

Medical - This site provides a list of English medical terms and their German translations.

German to English

Business – A downloadable Excel file with thousands of business terms translated from German into English.

Chess - This PDF provides a list of terms in the realm of chess with the German to English translation.

Food - This site lists 100s of German words related to food and provides their English translation.

Idioms - This is a list of German idioms translated into English.

Military - A comprehensive list of military terms translated from German to English.

German <> English

Chemistry – An extensive glossary with organic chemistry terms translated from German into English and translated from English into German.

Music - An easy-to-use glossary of medical terms translated from English to German and from German to English.

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